Our Mission

The Chalfant Run/Thompson Run Watershed Association's goal is to reconnect local residents to their watershed. Time spent along streams can be an oasis of calm and peace and a reminder that life is beautiful. Study after study shows that time in nature is restorative mentally, emotionally and physically. We aim to promote the gift of nature to our fellows and hope that all of the peace and love that nature has to offer followshe Chalfant Run/Thompson Run Watershed Association's goal is to reconnect local residents to their watershed. Time spent along streams can be an oasis of calm and peace and a reminder that life is beautiful. Study after study shows that time in nature is restorative mentally, emotionally and physically. We aim to promote the gift of nature to our fellows and hope that all of the peace and love that nature has to offer follows.

Our goal is to protect and clean up our waterways so that they are vibrant, life-giving streams again, places of beauty and awe that welcome reflection. We have to, have to, have to engage our neighbors in this process or it won't work. Nature must be loved to be protected and so we aim to foster a deep connection between our neighbors and their watershed and the life it supports.

About Us

We are a group of neighbors who met and bonded over our love of nature in our area and who have been completely charmed by our local streams. Did you know that lots of things actually live in our waters? We can make it better, especially if we work together!